Virtual Folders

The Virtual Folders page is where you can configure a Virtual Folders(Directories)'s Alias, Physical path, and permissions.

Adding Virtual Folders
To create a Virtual Folder, click the 'Add...' button, then a new window will pop up. Select a directory(Physical path) for this Virtual Folder, then enter the desired forum alias(name) and it's description in the text box on the new window, and click 'OK' button.

Editing Virtual Folders
To edit a Virtual Folder, first select a Virtual Folder you want to edit, then click the 'Edit...' button and then a new window will pop up.Here you may adjust the following settings:

Physical path - This is the Physical path of the virtual folder.
Alias - the alias of the virtual folder. This will appear as a virtual folder name on virtual folder html page. For example:If the alias is 'downloads', you can view the virtual folder by inputting the URL on the web browser.
Description - Describes the virtual folder. This is the smaller text that appears under each virtual folder on the virtual folders index html page.
Permissions- The virtual folder permissions. Here you can control who can download and upload in this virtual folder only by clicking the corresponding check box. There are three simple permission levels(Guest, User, Power User) in Easy File Sharing Web Server 1.2. For more information, see User Account.
You can also grant specific access to specific users by clicking the 'Add...', 'Edit...' and 'Delete' button.

Please note that the access right of specific user has higher priority than the access right of his permission level, for example:
'Jessica' is a user whose permission level is 'Power User', 'Power User' have right to download/upload files from/to Virtual Folder 'Disk_D'. If we don't want 'Jessica' to have right to upload files to 'Disk_D', just add 'Jessica' to Specific Users List and make the status of Allow Upload 'No'.

1.User can also delete the files that he has ever uploaded if he has right to upload files.
2.User can also create/delete sub-folders in virtual folders if he has right to upload files.

You may limit the amount of disk space that users consume for the virtual folder, Easy File Sharing Web Server will keep track of uploads, and file deletions to calculate a running total of current disk usage.
Please input a value in 'Disk Quota' ( 0 means unlimited quota ), and the server will then keep track of any future activity.

Deleting Virtual Folders
To delete a virtual folder, first select a virtual folder you want to delete, then click the 'Delete' button.

On virtual folder page, you can also add/edit description to a selected file in a virtual folder only by inputting file description on the bottom and clicking the 'save' button.